Tuesday 18 September 2012

Starting again...

So now that the first assignment is out of the way, it is time to develop an architectural entity to exist within the future scenario that was developed. The group that I was a part of for the first assignment was placed into Davor Mikulcic's tutorial. Although my group will not be working together on this assignment as we were in the first assignment, we are all still in the same tutorial, and the input of my group members will help shape my design for this assignment. 

The scale of this project is up to me, however it is important that both the story and the final design make logical sense. This comes down to them being plausible progressions from Brisbane's current built environment. The level of detail in the design is what is most important. This project is to be a highly thought out, highly refined piece of architecture, demonstrating 4 years of architectural education. 

While I did not have a lot of time with Davor, as two of my group members had left and Jessica and I chose to wait until week 8 to talk to him, I did have some initial direction that I briefly talked over with him. Throughout the first project, I found the empty block behind Irish Murphys to be an ideal location for this second assignment. I intend to design a building that integrates the Maglev routes that were developed for assignment 1 with the commercial/retail context that we envisioned for the edge of the city. Public space would also be included into the design. The concepts of vertical public space and adaptable architecture are what I want to be the driving factors behind my design. To make this less of an enormous task, I proposed that I could break it down into a master plan for the area, and then go into high detail with the Maglev station and other areas. Davor confirmed that this is allowable for this project. 

The time frame for this architecture is between 2015 and 2030, however exceptions can be made if it is justifiable to place the architecture outside of these times. Davor agreed that for the scenario that we developed this time frame is perhaps a little early, and allowed us to go outside of this time if need be. 

So now it is time to start this design project, beginning with the creation of a master-plan

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