Thursday 30 August 2012

Individual Project One Submission

The collaboration between the members of my group in this assignment was amazing. Ideas flowed freely from one person to the next, and there was no misunderstandings or miscommunication that slowed down the process. The outcome that resulted from this is something that we could not have come up with as individuals. The development of this project was truly collaborative. The poster that was developed through this process can be seen below (low quality).

The Project can best be summed up through the project statement written on the on first of the four panels. That was..
"Along with the introduction of a congestion charge for vehicles in the city centre of Brisbane came an extensive transition from a conventional concentric CBD acting as a bustling yet detached thoroughfare, to an established community of mixed activities defying the traditional city layout. The eventual ban of cars produced a pedestrian-dominant CBD, resulting in a radical lifestyle and infrastructural shift towards an innovative metropolitan approach, incorporating a reversal in the residential and commercial precincts. Social and environmental sustainability radiates throughout the new vibrant centre, providing various opportunities for unprecedented architectural interventions."  

I feel that the scenario that we developed was plausible yet unconventional. The integration of purely residential space into the city centre is something completely different from current city models across the world. It also provides a huge range of opportunities for project 2, as the timeline allows for architectural proposals to be placed at multiple points in time in Brisbane's future.
Although I feel that this project was collaborative and should not be analysed individually, for the purpose of this post I will identify which parts of the project i completed. Firstly, all of the diagrams that I have posted in earlier entries regarding contributions were done by me. These include Maglev development diagrams, vertical farm diagrams, roof garden diagrams, as well as my architectural opportunities diagrams. Other diagrams that I did include the car reduction diagrams. Also I came up with the original drafts for the timeline, as seen in my post Future DevelopmentI feel that separating the poster into work done by each member in some way detracts from the outcome that we achieved. The scenario that we developed and the work that was achieved through collaboration, and breaking that apart somehow detracts from this. 

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